Carson Beach
1005 Columbia Rd, Boston, MA 02127

The track here is not in great condition, but the beach has great opportunities with the boardwalk, urban views, and ocean views. The beach faces East, and has a great potential for sunrise. Airplanes descend low in the sky here frequently. There is no bathroom access here outside of portapotties, but there is plenty of parking. The park allows for some views of the Prudential and Hancock Tower.


Location 2:
Boston Common
139 Tremont St, Boston, MA 02111

Boston Common is a historic location in the city, with versatility. It shows both skyline views, and great green spaces. The duck pond has recently been filled. There is a parking garage located on Charles Street, and we have an opportunity to utilize Jen’s condo for wardrobe. From here, we also have access to Commonwealth Ave. Pedestrian traffic is always high at the Common.


LOCATION 3: Esplanade
1 David G Mugar Way, Boston, MA 02114

The Esplanade is a short walk from Boston Common, approximately 10 minutes. There is no vehicle access here. The Esplanade offers skyline vistas, plenty of bridges, and long paths near water. Certain angles are nondescript and are perfect for conveying an urban environment. The MIT Bridge and the Hatch Shell are to be avoided.